Date | 16.11.2010 - 18.11.2010
Venue | Performative Kunst, Raum EA3, Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien

In November 2010 Simone Forti was invited by Carola Derting to come to Vienna to give a three-day workshop, essentially involving a group of students from the academy. This turned out to be an important milestone for the entire group. Theworkshop led to the symposium This Sentence is Now Being Performed – Research and Teaching in Performance and Performative Art. The main discussion revolved around the teaching and research of performance art and how both can be developed within the framework of the academy. Lecturing artists and theorists included, among others: Philipp Auslander, Barbara Clausen, Judith Hopf, Amelia Jones, Martha Wilson, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Margarit von Büren, Andrea Fraser and Carrie Lambert-Beatty with Simone Forti.

Carrie Lambert-Beatty and Simone Forti established a  grid regarding Forti’s work in the context of the Judson Dance Movement specifically made for the  symposium. This grid was constructed out of key concepts projected onto the wall. This gave the audience an opportunity to engage in dialogue, as well as pose questions accordingly.

The Audience became performers. Simone Forti and Carrie Lambert-Beatty took turns by switching between the positions of audience member, performer or interviewer.  Carola Derting’s thread of research within Troubling Research was was tightly connected to questions of collective collaboration and its relation to the content and form of teaching and research. Furthermore Nina Herlitschka, Anita Moser, Nicole Sabella and Janine Maria Schneider were invited to show work that was inspired by Simone Forti within the framework of the Troubling Research. Performing Knowledge in the Arts exhibition.

 Furthermore a collective installation, Onion. According to the Score by Simone Forti, was made, which drew a trail through the entire exhibition spaceconnecting the various works and their seperate threads of research.

troubling research

Texte zur Kunst


“Improvisation in Logomotion”

Often our words do not reflect what we feel in our bones, while our movement does not reflect what we are thinking about. In this improvisation workshop we will explore the synergy between mo- vement and language to engage with subject matter that interests us.

Simone Forti is a dancer, choreographer and writer. She studied dance improvisation with Anna Halprin in the 1950s and went on to be a pivotal figure in the Judson Dance Theater community. Her work has evolved from her early Dance Constructions through her animal movement studies and news animations. Over the past several years she has been developing Logomotion, an improvisa- tional dance narrative form wherein movement and language spontaneously weave together. Most recently this practice has become the basis for her writing.


©Anita Moser, Nina Herlitschka, Janine Schneider, Carola Dertnig, Nicole Sabella